Dates and Guests for Arisia '08
January 18-21, 2008
Friday through Monday
A FOUR day convention!
Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Cambridge, MA
Writer Guest of Honor: Laura Anne Gilman
Artist Guest of Honor: Marrus
Fan Performer Guest of Honor: Eric "in the Elevator" Zuckerman
The Conchair staff:
Conchair A'08: September Isdell
Assistant Conchairs: Jill Eastlake (she's also A'09's conchair), Lisa "Jasra" Holsberg and Ben Levy
Welcome! Stay up to date with Arisia announcements and news
Arisia '08 Announcements
Click "Read More" to see all of the announcements
- The Arisia 2009 is live!
- Information for Relaxacon '08 - come hang out, and relax on Cape Cod.
- The Tribble Bash raised $700 and the Sith Ball raised $800 for their respective charities, making a total of $1500 for Arisia's Friday night charity events!
- Lost and Found list
- 1/20/08: If you didn't have a chance to buy the Artist GoH t-shirt, you still can after the con! Offworld Designs is offering the shirt by either phone (800-900-9056) or email (offworldbv at aol dot com). Prices: $20 (S-2X), $23 (3X), $26 (5X if available). The art can be found on page 12 of the Souvenir book.
- 1/20/08: The convention newsletter (Clear Ether) is online, at
Boston Area SF Events
A listing of upcoming SF events in the Boston-area (for a rather broad definition of Boston).
If you're having an SF/Fannish/ ... event in the Boston area, please let us know and we'll post it here. Send email to with the details (plain text or HTML, not MS Word or PDF).
- February 1-3, 2008 - TempleCon, Providence, RI
- "The Revolutionary New England Gaming Convention"
- February 15-17, 2008 - Boskone, Boston, MA
- "Boskone is a regional Science Fiction convention focusing on literature, art, music, and gaming "
- February 21-24, 2008 - Total Confusion, Mansfield, MA
- "The Largest Game Convention Company in the Northeast United States"
You can also add Arisia as a public calendar to your Google calendar and automatically get our meeting schedule.