
All original content on this site is copyright 1989-2007 Arisia, Inc. The Lens is copyright A. C. Farley (the artist), and is used here with permission. Thanks be unto him.

Viewers of this site are permitted to make copies of material found here as follows: All copies required by the internal workings of the viewer's browser, one paper copy, and one additional non-paper copy (e.g., on a hard disk). Further copies are not permitted, nor is charging for copies.

Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Lens are service marks of Arisia, Inc. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Any ideas, suggestions, or unsolicited materials sent to Arisia, Inc. become the property of Arisia, Inc. No compensation or credit is guaranteed.

All rights reserved, including those not specifically mentioned.

Specific exceptions to these restrictions are clearly marked.

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